This Cola and Mustard Glazed Ham is baked in the oven with a quick and easy glaze of grainy dijon mustard, brown sugar, a touch of garlic and roasted in...
Marinating chicken in this creamy, orang-y and sweet marinade really gives the chicken lots of yummy flavor, also make the chicken very tender, then coated...
Mofongo is a popular dish in Puerto Rico and is made with mashed fried green plantains and filled with beef, pork or seafood. It is simple and easy to...
Learn how to make roasted frozen brussels sprouts taste delicious! This simple side dish with crispy parmesan cheese edges will be a favorite addition...
Ready in 15 minutes, this easy and quick Puff Pastry Pizza recipe is a delicious new way to enjoy pizza. The crust is light and fluffy, and you can top...
If you're following an AIP diet and missing takeout, this Mongolian beef meatball recipe will curb a craving with AIP-friendly cassava breading and a sweet...
Sheet Pan Beef Fajitas take less than 30 minutes from start to finish and are adaptable for those who are eating low-carb or gluten-free. Serve with tortillas...
A spin on fish en papillote, which is a fancy way to say flaky fork tender mahi mahi baked in parchment paper. The packets are filled with stand out Asian...
How to cook a turkey. The perfect Thanksgiving Turkey recipe. The nine steps to a perfectly cooked bird with moist and tender meat, a ton of flavor, and...
These Chicken Enchiladas are rolled in flour tortillas, covered in a delicious homemade sauce and smothered in gooey cheese! Using pre-made rotisserie...
Lightly coated with flour and sauteed in a skillet, this delicious chicken recipe is drizzled with a browned butter herbed lemon sauce for an easy and...
Easy, oven cooked ribeye steak! A quick sear in a cast iron skillet gives a rich crust on this super flavorful ribeye steak. The steak is cooked in a hot...
Tender, juicy chicken breasts char grilled on the outdoor grill to perfection and smothered in a spicy peanut sauce. The marinade is an amazing flavor...
This Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup recipe makes it so easy to make homemade chicken noodle soup from scratch. It's comforting, healthy and perfect for a...
Easy and creamy instant pot polenta with mushrooms. This is the quickest polenta made in the pressure cooker and absolutely no stirring required. Presenting...